Saturday, October 18, 2008

October Book Club

These were the two books we read for October book club. 32 Third Graders was a hoot. It was a very quick read and as a substitute teacher I got a real kick out of his stories. Elaine's Circle was a lot harder because of the subject matter (4th grader with terminal brain cancer.) I really liked them both, but what was more fun was our meeting. I got to hostess this month and I went with the school theme. I borrowed lunch trays from one of our members who happens to be a principal. I made Freddy Burgers (the Frederickson version of sloppy joes), roasted veggies, and fruit. I made apple pie for dessert and bought chocolate milk cartons. I thought it was a lot of fun. When Nicole posts pictures on our Novels and Nibbles site I will steal some pictures to post.
I stole these pictures from our Novels and Nibbles blog. Thanks Nicole for remembering your camera and snapping a couple of pictures. Carter wrote out the menu. Everyone thought it was a nice touch.

1 comment:

Heather said...

I so want your book club! I think I am going to try one here that meets at our downtown book store. I am going to wait until January so I will be settled in our routine a little better with work and the holidays will be over. I don't think it will be nearly as cool as yours sounds though.