Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Indy Speedster

Carter got to participate in his first Pinewood Derby this month. Garth wanted to make sure it was Carter's car and not one of those cars that clearly the dad made while the child watched. Carter got to choose the shape and aside from the actual cutting of the wood, he did the rest. He sanded it, painted it, and decorated it with these stickers from the scout shop.

Garth made a truck for fun and when the race was over, the boys were challenging his truck to races (he beat every car there).
Carter won some and lost some and I wasn't sure how he was doing but when they tallied it up he was tied for second place. This is him cheering on the Indy Speedster against Issac's car for the 2nd place title. He won! Since he got second, he could have gone on to the district derby but he chose instead to go to Liberty Lake for his friend's baptism. A great choice if you ask me.This is what happens when you don't pay attention to Olivia. While I was cheering for Carter, she dug in my purse, found some hand cream and smeared it all through her hair. Nice.

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