Sunday, March 8, 2009

Note to Husbands

When your crazy, hormonal, pregnant wife is stressing all week about a talk in church, tell her it's the best talk she's ever given. It is the best compliment she'll get all day.
When she tries a new recipe for dinner (lettuce wraps for a steak & potatoes man) tell her its fabulous and she did a great job. It makes the job worthwhile.
When she invites her parents over for dinner without a meal planned, go ahead and make your amazing BBQ ribs, then set the table, make awesome brownies from scratch, oh then clean it all up. It is the best gift you could give.
When you see a chance to be without kids for a while (even if it was initially for a funeral), take her shopping and to a stellar dinner at Clinks. She'll feel like a princess.
I am a lucky wife!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Wow! How can I send that to Justin to give him a hint? ;) Great job, Garth!