Wednesday, June 20, 2012

An Early June Summary

June is so busy with the end of school.  Here are the highlights of our late May and early June. I got to hostess book club.  The book was really strange and didn’t really lend itself to a theme so I went with Mexican food since it was May (and because I make some AMAZING Mexican food!)


Sydney got to participate in the 2nd grade play (because she is in the 1/2 combo class) and she stole the show.  I had people I had never seen before coming up to me telling me what an adorable performer she was.  The teachers put her front and center on every dance and her teacher told me how glad they were to have her to lead the other kids!  They did a play called the Principal and the Pea and it was super cute.                 

Great buddies: Sydney and Melissa Mace DSC00452DSC00464DSC00458          This picture kind of catches the sass this girl has.  Her partner Kyler was so awkward, it was cute!DSC00459DSC00462DSC00463

Then there was the annual Fund Run to raise funds for next year’s PTG (an event dear to my treasurer’s heart). This year Derek and Olivia came along and did some running with the big kids.DSC00578DSC00579DSC00581

Olivia was sporting last year’s fund run shirt, a dance costume skirt, and her pink sparkly twinkle toes.  This girl runs in style!


Derek finished Kindermusic and sang “Popcorn Popping” all by himself in the microphone.  You could even understand the words (a small miracle considering he’s usually a mush mouth).DSC00601DSC00604DSC00599

Still to come. . .my favorite part of early June, Sydney and I went to Utah together! 

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