Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A Miraculous Thanksgiving

Small miracle #1: We made it to Idaho Falls with very little crying, no emergency potty breaks, and no snow on the roads.
Small miracle #2: The super moist turkey didn't hit the floor. This one probably wouldn't make the Martha Stewart cover!

Small miracle #3: Madeleine and I made rolls. This 9 year old had never cracked an egg. Needless to say she was thrilled to help knead the dough.


Small miracle #4: All 9 kids (9 years old and younger) got along great!
Can you tell Luke loved Derek?
Sydney never left Genevieve's side.
The girls had a dance party on the balcony.
We tried out some new fun hair gadgets. This one actuallycurled Syd's hair and stayed all day!
Maddie and Emma couldn't get enough of the baby. Carter would ask me when the baby was going down for a nap so the girls would pay attention to him.
Small miracle#5: We got all the kids to bed early and had a lovely kid-free dinner at a Japanese restaurant.
Small miracle #6: We made it home just as smoothly as the way there.
Small miracle #7: Our tire went flat in the garage at home and not over one of the passes!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Hooray! Don't you just love events that go smoothly? I'm so glad you didn't get stranded somewhere in northern Idaho with a flat tire and four kids in your car!