Sunday, June 23, 2013

She’s a Poet

Sydney has been writing lots of poetry lately.  I loved the poems she wrote for Mother’s and Father’s Day so I thought I’d share. 

I love your laugh and smile and the way happiness comes across you.

I know sometimes I pick one thing and you pick the other.

But all I’m going to say is that I’m glad I get to call you mother!

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I love the way you smile, it brightens up my day.  You make life so joyful and cheerful.  The sweet way you laugh dazzles my heart.  You are so generous and thankful, such an angel.  When you think I wonder too, I wonder what’s inside of you…LOVE!

For father’s day, she got a little sillier (and most of it is untrue :)

One annoying person is my brother,

you always fight with mother.

Olivia’s a snot,

And I can’t tie a knot.

All mom does is bother,

But I’m glad that you’re my FATHER!

1 comment:

tia said...

Oh my gosh I love the father's day poem so wrote, so funny!